She used to say:
"is it two's-day or three's-day, Mom?" instead of "is it Tuesday or Wednesday, Mom?"
"shubbo" instead of "shovel"
"potsickle" instead of popsicle
"chocklick" instead of chocolate
"I want my baga" instead of "Can I please have my bag?"
"sprinkles" instead of "sprinklers"
"Anne-Michelle" instead of "Mom"
"granila barf" instead of "granola bar"
"I want some of chips" instead of "I want some chips"
"carnibull" instead of "carnival"
"tell me about the craps" instead of "tell me about crabs"
"Super Wide" instead of "Super Why" (The TV show)
"loolus" instead of "Lewis"
"lickwish" or "licklish" instead of "licorice"
"Monster Sinks" instead of "Monsters, Inc."
"high school musigul" instead of "high school"
"panyo" instead of "piano"
"uppa buppa world so high..." instead of "up above the world so high..."
"chop stick" instead of "chapstick"
"glubs" instead of "gloves"
"sawtawdge" instead of "sausage"
"gangy" instead of "candy"
"sticky mouse" instead of "Mickey Mouse"
"aster" instead of "after"
"swimming pool" instead of "swimsuit"
"princess" instead of "costume"
"kinee" instead of "can I?"
"boogie" instead of "booger"
"I wanna sit at the barf" instead of "I want to sit at the bar"
"manky" instead of "blanket"
"I pyoop" instead of "I need to go to the bathroom"
"chicken boom" instead of "chicka chicka boom boom"
"old McDonald" instead of "McDonald's"
"warmaid" instead of "mermaid"
"suckermint" instead of "sacrament"